Bluffton NOW! is a community organization devoted to the revitalization and long-term growth of Bluffton’s downtown (city-center).
We believe that in order for a community to continue to thrive and grow it must actively attract and retain talented individuals. In order to achieve this growth, Bluffton NOW! is focused on creating a downtown atmosphere and vibe that attracts new businesses,
a talented workforce, and retains successful businesses, entrepreneurs, professionals, and families already living in our community.
Our Vision for the Future
The vision for Bluffton NOW! is to “grow downtown into a vibrant destination where people and businesses can thrive and prosper; through bringing together new ideas, old historic charm, and a wonderful community.”
Our Mission for Success
Bluffton NOW!’s mission is to be the catalyst to energize downtown Bluffton by envisioning ideas and goals, and by engaging and empowering citizens to facilitate an active, vibrant, and attractive community.
Main Street Indiana
Bluffton was accredited by the Office of Rural and Community Affairs in 2015 as an Indiana Main Street community. We operate by the Main Street four-point approach: Promotion, Design, Economic Restructuring and Organization.
Annual Report
2019 Annual Report
2020 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
2022 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report
2024 Annual Report
Bluffton NOW! Board Members
Bluffton NOW! board membership is made up of 14 elected Board Members who serve 3-year terms and 11 Board members who serve based on their position. The Executive team is elected from the Board Membership.
Executive Team
Michael Lautzenheiser - President
Wells County Area Plan Commission
Jeremy Penrod - Vice President
Edward Jones Financial Advisor
Nick Huffman - Treasurer
The Steffen Group Downtown Office
Nathan Stauffer - Secretary
Parlor City Cabinetry
Hunter Copeland - Bluffton NOW! - Coordinator
Board Members
Kim Leas - Achieva Salon
Brandon Wright - Wright Insurance Company
Joe McFarren - National Guard
Jon Baumgartner - Downtown Business & Building Owner
Kira Lee - Three Rivers Federal Credit Union
Steve Linderwell- Bluffton Harrison Schools
Matthew Musco - Pittie Dog House
Janella Stronczek - Bluffton Common Council
Richard Triplett - Bluffton Building Department
Brandy Fiechter - Bluffton Parks Department
Mike Vanover - Wells County Commissioners
Scott Elzey - Wells County Council
Doug Brown - Bluffton News-Banner
Tammy Slater - Wells County Foundation
Erin Prible - Wells County Chamber of Commerce
Haleigh Osborne - Pizza King
Jarod Studabaker - Studabaker Specialty Woodworks
Sarah Owen - Concerned Citizen
Nathan Stauffer - Parlor City Cabinetry
Sarah MacNeill - Wells County Library